Here's some info from wikipedia on this topic:

Efforts to organize a continental secession movement have been initiated
since 2004 by members of Second Vermont Republic, working with noted
decentralist author Kirkpatrick Sale. Their second "radical consultation" in
November of 2004 resulted in a statement of intent called The Middlebury
Declaration. It also gave rise to the Middlebury Institute, which documents
the development of this movement.

In November 2006 the same group sponsored the First North American
Secessionist Convention which attracted 40 participants from 16 secessionist
organizations and was (erroneously) described as the first gathering of
secessionists since the Civil War. Delegates included a broad spectrum from
libertarians to socialists to greens to Christian conservatives to
indigenous peoples activists. Groups represented included Alaskan
Independence Party, Cascadia Independence Project, Hawai?i Nation, The
Second Maine Militia, The Free State Project, the Republic of New Hampshire,
the League of the South, Christian Exodus, the Second Vermont Republic and
the United Republic of Texas. Delegates created a statement of principles of
secession which they presented as the Burlington Declaration.[4]The Second
North American Secessionist Convention is planned for October, 2007, in
Chattanooga, Tennesee.

In the summer of 2007, an advocacy group called Californians for
Independence was formed. Its mission is "the eventual secession of
California from the United States of America."

Maybe it's time people gave this more thought. I don't want to live in a
United States of Latin America, does anyone else?