The Chicago Tribune Shills for Illegal Immigration - Ignores the Real Impact on Society
By the Webloggin Editor
May 1, 2006 at 2:00 am in Feature Article, Media Watch, Immigration Watch

Update : Coverage of today’s Pro-Illegal Immigration (i.e. Anti-American) protests:
• Hot Air
• Iowa Voice - Immigration Protest Roundup

Count the crappy Chicago Tribune as another in a long line of pro-Illegal immigration bastions for businesses who are quick to tout the benefits of illegal immigration while conveniently ignoring the very negative impact that illegal immigration has on this country.

The Chicago Tribune article, Working in the Shadows, starts out with the typical lie that illegal immigration is vital to the American economy.

That’s crap. Don’t sit here and tell me about the benefits of illegal immigration as if the low wage bodies for business are not offset by anything negative associated with the trade of moving illegals across this border. The Tribune article quickly turns into an advocacy page as the authors turn their heartfelt sights onto the exploitation of illegals, whose American dream became a nightmare. Yet somehow the authors fail to have the same sympathy for victims of crime that comes along with illegal immigration.

Let’s talk about the impact that the Chicago Tribune Business section chooses to ignore.
• Every business that is run using an illegal workforce is breaking the law. That business acts as the getaway driver for every law that is broken by one of its illegal immigrant employees.
• Every business that is run using illegal immigration is complicit in the trade of humans across the U.S. American border. They are responsible for every rape along the coyote paths and every death for those who aren’t fortunate enough to complete the journey.
• Every employer of illegal immigrants is responsible for every burglary, murder, rape, car jacking, purse snatching and home invasion that is committed by future members of this “vital” workforce.
• Every law breaking employer that hires an illegal immigrant is responsible for every drug that accompanies the illegals across the border via dual role coyote drug dealers. Every drug induced death via such drugs has been made possible by such employers. These employers are also responsible for the costs associated with the demise of every child that becomes addicted to the heroine, cocaine, metamphetamine and extacy (extasy,XTC) that enters this country via this route.
• Each of these vital supporters of illegal immigration is responsible for the staggering costs associated with apprehension, prosecution and jail costs incurred by illegals who commit crimes after coming into this country by the preferred method of the Chicago Tribune business section.
• Every one of these illegal employers is responsible for taxing the U.S. school systems by diverting woefully inadequate teaching staffs and taxpayer supplied funds to cater to the needs of illegals.
• Every one of these law breaking companies are responsible for the death of every legal health care recipient who died in an emergency room while waiting in line for doctors who are providing free care to any illegal immigrant.
• Every one of these illegally run businesses will be responsible for an illegal immigrant population that grows up in this country without social security, Medicare or retirement plans. You see, even though these illegals are supposedly paying taxes they are not accumulating the benefits of the built in retirement plans that go along with them. Thus the miniscule taxes they pay now will be enormously inadequate to make up for their social needs when they get older.
• Every one of these businesses is responsible for the death of every single border control agent that has been killed trying to stop your employees from coming into this country illegally.

I could go on but you get the point. Every item listed above is tied to a real cost attributable to illegal immigration; social costs as well as dollars and cents. Costs that the Chicago Tribune and other advocates of illegal immigration choose to ignore like a secret that nobody talks about. Well I’m talking.

The Tribune uses the most asinine and backwards logic as they build their case for the needs of illegal immigration. In one breath they talk about how illegals depress wages and in another they say illegals take jobs that American’s don’t want because of the depressed wages!

The bottom line is this. Don’t talk down to me about the benefits of illegal immigration until you calculate in all the costs and ramifications of an illegal segment of society run rampant courtesy of the U.S. government on all levels.

Any business that is illegally functioning on the backs of illegal immigration is breaking the law; plain and simple. The fact that the idiots at the Chicago Tribune see it another way doesn’t make it right. It just proves that they are morons who have a perverse agenda that supports breaking the laws of this country all in the name of low cost labor for business despite the impact on society.

Check out A Certain Slant of Light to read some statistics on the costs of illegal immigration.

Others Writing About Illegal Immigration and the MSM Support
• Standing up Against Amnesty
• discarded lies - hyperlinkopotamus - Michell M. on anti-amnesty action tomorrow
• - Standing up Against Amnesty
• Getting Elected Blogline - O Say Can You “Gweld”?
• Everyday Thoughts Collected - Immigration Reform Leads to May 1st Rallies - Fly the Flag
• Small Town Veteran
• The Sandbox - My Plan For Uno de Mayo
• Amber - Express Your May Day Outrage
• Hillbilly White Trash - Alien criminals in the streets: Hijinks expected!
• chez Diva - Los Immigrantes en Holiday