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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Senators should not just stop there.

    Senators should not just stop there.

    I am not hearing very much from Senators on the Border issue.
    How in the world can we get Senators to draw attention too the fact that
    Everything from alqida to slave trade can come across the borders into America

  2. #2
    Senior Member buffalododger's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Eastern Washington State
    Most of them already know it. I have received a number of emails from senators stating they are very nervous right now because of the terrorists and criminals already here.

    Do not ask me to post them. They are personal in nature but none the less eye opening. Ending NAFTA, CAFTA and a number of other programs will bring this invasion to a true end.

    It is not likely to happen. Every one points at Clinton for NAFTA but their memory seems to be lacking longevity. It was old man Bush that came up with it and it was flea bargained into Clintons lap during the attempt to leave social security to wither on the vine campaign.

    Now the one that came up with the wilting social security scheme is standing back as if he had nothing to do with it thinking about a run for the countries highest office.

    They used the treat of destroying Social Security to shovel this mess into our laps.

    Remember when there was a massive tidal wave a while back and a large portion of an island nation was flooded killing thousands ? Good , then try to recall who was chuming up to the so called surprise of the main stream media.

    Old man Bush and Clinton. How cozy and kind they were to each other , Clinton sleeping on the floor of the private jet so that Bush would have a bed to sleep in.

    They made it sound like a sacrifice because there was no room left in the inn for Mary and Jesus.

    This country is in deep trouble and over half the nation has such a short memory of events they only hear and are not affected by immediately they do not even remember why. I am of a blood line that never forgets those that have betrayed us.

    When some one treads on me that is it , no apologies will allow them to gain my favor back because once bit , never again. Not three times , once. Sadly it makes living with the rest of the nation a very difficult thing from a political perspective at time but it is not the same as a bite .

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