If political parties are in anyway advocating illegal immigration they should be ousted. Janet Napolitani sets the precedence for corruption and Anarchy in this nation of laws. Who represents the border petrol ,who puts their lives on the line ,to protect our borders going about doing their duties? Not Janet..She sits in her comforts supporting all illegal activites .this italian woman will never represent the mainstream America mainly the middle class who have lost jobs to these MOD-EDIT who populate this country with illegal anchor babies and then make our hospitals, schools and welfare system virtually bankrupt and ruined financially. Where is this woman standing with these issues? She is the blueprint of Democratic- pro- illegals campaign to get into power and ruin this nation with illegals. All democrats are standing to ruin this nation. They are only serving their political interest to the detriment of national security. In fact the 1 st Amnesty was launched by a democrat, Reagan in 1986. Let us not forget that. MOD-EDIT.