I want to say thank you to you all in this forum for listening to my concerns about illegal immigration. I moved to Arizona from Michigan and looking at the Phoenix area from a Michigander's point of view I can see how bad it really is. It is something that you really do need to witness in person in order to see just how bad it is.

The schools here are among some of the worst in the US. I literally received a letter from the school district where my daughter is enrolled explaining that the reason only 30% of children in the district passed the state test for the last three years is because of the "non-English" speakers. It is commonplace here in AZ for the government to frantically try to keep up with the influx and births of immigrant children by building a school on every corner and pour millions of dollars into teaching these kids English. However, it is not working at all considering that the schools are so overpopulated that it is not uncommon for there to be 30+ children in each class. When I take my daughter to school these kids are speaking Spanish even though the schools are spending so much money to teach them English. Not only do the schools concentrate on teaching the kids English, but they provide English classes for the parents as well in addition to interpreters being provided for parent-teacher conferences. Lastly, every letter that is sent home in my daughters bag just happens to be written in both English and Spanish even though the official language of AZ is English by law.

The staff in these schools are awful, I'm assuming because they do not have enough money to hire anyone worthwhile. I picked my six year old daughter up at the bus stop one day only to find that her teacher had sent her home on the bus with a 103 degree fever. Upon her getting off the bus the bus driver informed me that "there might be something wrong with her because she has been sleeping in the floor in class." Not only did this teacher know something was very wrong with my daughter and not bother to call myself or my husband, she didn't even bother to send her to the school nurse.

Many of the social services here in AZ have been frozen up due to the system being so weighed down. There is a waiting list for child care assistance in AZ that has not budged for the last two years. So if an American single parent here in AZ is making $8.00 an hour they will not be able to afford both the $800 a month child care bill and the other bills. Medicaid has been frozen up as well, an American man with leukemia was on the news a few weeks ago and AZ cut him off of medicaid just before he was able to get his bone marrow transplant. They cut this man with leukemia off of AZ medicaid while all of the immigrants and or their kids continue to stay on medicaid.

And of course there are the protests, the protesters being ignoramuses who feel that they should be able to go where they want and receive what they want regardless of their legal status. There are the immigrants everywhere we go who have an attitude of self entitlement for them and their children in addition to standing out from American society as loudly as they can. They hate Americans and they make it very clear with the nasty glares and loud Spanish talking. I am not even sure why they are here if they hate us so much.

I have fought with my husband on this issue since we have been here. I love my husband, but sometime he just doesn't have a lick of sense. His great grandparents came here from Mexico in the 1920s and he compares his family to this new breed of hispanic immigrants. He also has this idea in his head that if we secure the borders and give all of the illegals who are already here amnesty that it will all be good.

I have tried to explain to him that the immigrants who built this country are not the same ones who are destroying it. I have tried to explain that his great grandparents came at a time when there was no welfare to collect and they came with the sole intent of being part of American society, not with a "plan" like today's immigrants do. Heck, my great grandparent's came over from Ireland in the 1920s and the same went for them, they worked hard to run their Irish American restaurant and did not live off of the system. He still just doesn't get it, I swear he would hide all of the illegals in our closet if he could and he doesn't even speak Spanish.

I have made arrangements to move to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan next year where there are hardly any immigrants. I have made these arrangements because I can take witnessing such atrocities anymore. Also, I feel that our daughter deserves to attend a school where the majority of kids speak English and can pass the state standards. That is all for now, I will keep you all posted on what else happens. Thank you for reading this.