I went to the grocery store this morning and there is a cashier there that I avoid like the plague. I do not know if she is illegal or legal, she is foriegn. Her thick accent gives that fact away. I avoid her simply because she is rude.
I have told the manager on several occassions that I go out of way to avoid her because this woman is so rude and I get the same blah, blah, blah response. So I only go to that store to pick up one or two things instead of driving across town to the other store.

So, I go in to get one item. Go to the self check out, they are all closed. Walk to the other check out and she is the cashier... I told myself that I will not let her get to me today.... Put my item up there and have my money ready, she tells the amount, I hand her the money.. she stops and says "I forgot to give you the Sr citizen discount", I tell her that I do not qualify for the discount and she says "Yes, you do, you have grey hair so you have to be old" Without thinking, I said, you are foreign so can I assume that since there is 12-20 million illegal people in this country that you are here illegally? I asked her if she the had ever heard the saying about assuming? No response.
She immediatly finished my transaction and basically threw my change at me. I smiled and told her to have a nice day.

I hear all this crap about the illegals saying that every law, ordinace, that towns across the nation are trying to enforce is racial profiling because they are hispanic or have brown skin, it is as much crap as looking at a person and saying they are old because they have grey hair!

For the record.. I am in my mid 40's and have had silver hair since I was in my 20's..