Immigration seems to be the #1 priority for most of you on this board so much that you would be willing to vote for ANYONE, and I mean anyone, including Hillary Clinton if they were every to tell you up front that, "If you vote for me I'll close the border and deport all illegal aliens. PERIOD." I'm speaking hypothetically here. Suppose Hillary's past records showed that she was tough on illegals in NYC and that she ordered the deportation of lots of them. You would vote for her no matter how liberal she was on everything else.

You would ignore the fact that Hillary, or any Democrat for that matter, is a liberal, that she supports abortion, that she was the wife of Clinton, that you simply despise her, that she wants free Medicare for all, etc and would be willing to vote for her if she were the only one out of all the candidates (Dem and Rep) to satisfy your immigration wants huh? Basically sacrifice all your other Conservative beliefs just so that you could once and for all get rid of all these people. That's how far you're all willing to go it seems. You're that passionate about this issue.

Basically, my question is this. If Hillary were, and I'm speaking hypothetically obviously, the only candidate that could actually get the job done in terms of illegal immigration and satisfy you, you would not hesitate in voting for her. I want to see how much of a priority illegal immigration if for you all that you're willing to vote against your party.