Don't let our opponents define us. They will label us xenophobes,protectionists,racsists,etc. Whether one is,or not,is wholly and utterly irrelevent in this debate. Both sides can claim extremes,and everything in between. From now on,if we are labeled,reply,"Whatever!'and stay on point and on offense. So many have lost life or limb protecting our way of life. The very least we can do is to be willing to endure the shear horror of being called names.
Labeling us is their most powerful weapon. Disarm them of their P.C. arsenals and self-rightous arrogence and they have nothing left,for we all know that,if your argument rings hollow,attack,attack,attack!
Finally,quit using the term,"illegal immigration". Replace it with "massive"or "unchecked" immigration,or something to that effect. The reason is because our opponents will/can reply(in debate or in policy)"Fine,then we'll just make em' legal and/or raise the limits,etc.
Ask yourself,is the culture we grew up in worth preserving or not? And are we willing to be called names and maybe lose a few freinds to preserve and protect it?