Pence it about to go through ?

The Middle East.....I saw on TV these anti-war protesters IN ISRAEL no less and it just hit me how I could see that happening over here so easily. I don't know how everyone feels about it and I didn't mean to get into a big debate on this, but I assume MOST people think Israel has a right to defend herself, maybe not everyone, I don't know. But the point is if we had a terrorist attack and decided to defend ourselves I could just see all these illegal aliens and their supporters in the streets screaming that WE DON'T HAVE A RIGHT to defend ourselves.

MOST of these people are people who "don't like war" if WE DO LIKE WAR.....but the point is they "RUN" and "WE DON'T RUN" and this is going to cause chaos in America when the time comes. I hear them all the time calling Bush a "war monger"......okay evenif you're against Iraq and maybe we did go to the wrong country......but still these people who have no right to even be here shouldn't be telling US when and how and what to do regarding our national security.

Please don't let this get into a pro-con war discussion, I'm just trying to say that THEY WILL BE IN THE STREETS again if things turn to where we HAVE to utilize our military in any way.

I don't know I just feel that we're on a collision course with SOMETHING.

Yesterday I was talking to a friend who is from an Island country and we mentioned how bad the Middle East crisis is and do you know what she said ? She said "The real problem is AMERICAN TERRORISTS."

Do you know how I felt ?? We have two kids quickly approaching the age where they could be drafted and they say they're "ready, willing and able" and I hear someone who doesn't know a thing about our history or what is really going on in the world and she thinks "American terrorists" are the problem ??

Why should my kids go and risk their lives when the government has put our country in this position of being full of people with anti-American sentiment and people who believe you can "RUN' from those who's focus is to destroy you and your country. It just makes me sick.