I was thinking about this over the weekend. This post from robins_aussie is proof.

Immigration is not broken. They are deporting and grinding up people from all over the world daily. NOT FROM PEOPLE SOUTH OF THE BORDER. Carte Blanche is reserved for just this very special group of people only.

I am tired of the tippy toe around this subject. If there is a racist agenda, it is being performed perfectly by our government. There is no equal opportunity in today's immigration policy. I would like to see a Supreme Court case about discrimination on the part of our government because of preferential treatment from people SOUTH OF THE BORDER.

If you are from anywhere else in the world take a number, get in line and complete the paperwork from your home country. In other words leave until we say it is okay for you to be here. Immigration is not broken. They are doing this daily.

Plain and simple if you are from SOUTH OF THE BORDER you get Carte Blanche. If you are from SOUTH OF THE BORDER and broke our laws you get PLATINUM CARTE BLANCHE. All others can punt. You don't count.

Call me a racist, or the xenophobe thing, whatever, that is reality. We print signage just for their language, hospital care, preferred baby care and immediate citizenship, no laws to have to follow, no taxes to pay, no drivers license needed, no insurance needed, no housing codes to follow, no health laws to follow, rampant identity theft, forgery, fraud anything goes as long as you are from SOUTH OF THE BORDER. Everybody else is second class including legal American Citizens.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck. Somebody tell me I am not seeing this correctly. Somebody tell me it ain't so. Somebody tell me we are not being set up. Somebody tell me this treatment towards one group only is constitutional. I think the facts speak for themselves.
