I could kick myself for forgetting my camera today while I was driving to Madison with my boyfriend to see and tour the Capital building and the city. I would have taken a picture of the atrocity I saw and posted it here.

Anyway, as we just came into Madison, we spotted a small grocery store. Guess what the name of the store was?

La Raza Grocers.

I'm not kidding!! It was called "La Raza Grocers". It was a Mexican market.

Now you tell me....if I opened a store called "The Race" grocers, what do you think the ACLU would do? SUE ME!!!!

It makes me SO angry that Latinos get away with naming their store "The Race"!!! Aaaargh! It's only because 95% of Americans who drive by the store have no idea what it means, that the Mexicans get away with it.

Do any of you have any suggestions as to who I could file a complaint to? I'd like the owners of this store to be held accountable for their racist name.