Illegal Immigration; gangs; Multiculturalism without assimilation; progressive judges; Code Pink. Hitting a nerve yet? How about Peta; San Francisco’s protestations of almost anything; our children’s text books; Social Progressives fight to marginalize the Constitution, Christianity and Judaism: Ire up? Consider Globalization; abortion; a resurgence of anti Semitism; pseudo environmentalism; a deliberate program to degrade our government’s ability to fight terrorism? Blood pressure not high enough? How about The Main Stream Media that is at least acquiescent by their silence or actually defendants of these wars. How did all of this get started—why are we in this mess?

Consider: Did the loonies in Code Pink just happen? Absolutely not. Code Pink (like Peta’s pathetic followers) next original thought will be their first. Are the editors of the New York Times born that way? Did ACLU lawyers wake up one day thinking ACLU thoughts? Were the graduates from Journalism schools always radically left, or did judges always make law from the bench? Not hardly:

All of these entities are products of academia’s culture of tenured anarchists, and until we realize that our illegal immigration issue is only one among literally hundreds of such wars, our fight will be akin to attacking a fire ant infestation by stomping on one ant at a time.

Don’t believe this to be the case? Want to get an idea of just how virulent the problem is? Take a look at, or read David Horowitz’s, The Professors, and see just how advanced the problem is.

Or, in many colleges and universities, take a look at what students are up against. or http://www.studentsforacademicfreedom.o ... ution.html. These organizations alone (there are many) go a long way towards showing the way to a better future for all of us.

If we want Alipac to be an even more effective organization we must go for the ant nest! Arm our membership with the knowledge of just what is behind the illegal immigration issue, and while we stomp on this one huge immigration ant, don’t neglect the nest!

Once we are aware of where this “Long march through our cultureâ€