I work at a health care facility in Tempe AZ. You should see how many illegal imagrants that come in for treatment. Illegals that come in when in labor, illegals that come in using other peoples social security numbers. I know for a fact that the social security number isn't theirs. The new social security numbers start with a 700 or a 765...They come in with a 601 or a 529. If you worked in my business you'd know who's social is who's. They look to me and even ask me if I speak-a spanish. I have to go way out of my way to get someone who does and the question is usually so easy to answere. I have no problems with someone that needs help, but I also know that they don't care to come in not knowing my language and they think it's cute. They always smile and act like it's funny they don't know what you're saying. They use other peoples social security numbers when they are injured on the job. Sometimes their employer is with them and they pay out of pocket because they are undocumented. It kills me to see this and have to play along with it because my boss is mexican. She's legal but would stick up for an illegal at the drop of a dime cause she's mexican!!!!