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Thread: STOP MCCAIN!!!

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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by grandmasmad
    Four years from now we will have 40 million more Hispanics in the citizens...and we will be voting for an Hispanic president...and the world will be as one.....YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THAT is the absolute truth.
    I know this is the last place to be posting this, but I'm going to say it anyway.

    I ahve completely surrendered to this cause. I have lost ALL hope. I mean, let's get real here. You do the math. There are over 300 MILLION people in these United States. There are how many people that belong to this cause? A couple HUNDRED THOUSAND? Doesn't take a math scholar to figure out how matter how loud or upset we get, WE are the minority. And with all the bleeding hearts and illegal panderers, we will be shut out and silenced. I am sick to death over this, but I am obviously weak.
    Now If I am feeling this way, how many others out there feel like I do. Don't forget to subtract us from the amount of people fighting for the cause, making the group smaller and small. Thereby become more and more silenced.
    I know what you are all going to say.
    "That's what they want you to do. You have to keep fighting, Keep calling and sending faxes. Don't let them silence us."
    Well, other than the people on this website, I don't even have anyone around me in my life that shares the same views I do. It doesn't matter how much information I give them. How many article's I send them from this website. No matter how much I "open their eyes", they don't care to hear it. They don't care about the illegals that are here. They don't care. No matter what happens, we will still always have to pay taxes, and the leeches will always reap the benefits from our paying taxes. It will never get any better no matter what we do.
    I wish there was someone who could tell me different, and at this point, even make me believe any different. Becasue to be honest folks, I don't see how it will make a difference anymore either.
    I can't afford health care, but my tax dollars still go to the government. I don't have children in school, but the government will still take my money for that. I am not eligible for assistance, but, I am still funding that!. It goes on and on and on. It will never stop. We will always have the government stealing from us, and no matter what we do, they will continue to do so. They have ALL the money and power, and we have NOTHING. Unless of course your Bill Gates, but we know where his loyaltiis lie, don't we.

    Someone tell me I'm wrong. And please, explain how.
    I hate this government, and it is causing me to hate this country. How can I be fixed?

  2. #12
    Senior Member Dianne's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Well, other than the people on this website, I don't even have anyone around me in my life that shares the same views I do

    Everyone in my life, including my 87 year old liberal democrat mother share my views. The problem we are faced with is the majority of people are ignorant. People don't follow the news as we do. The no. 1 issue to them is the economy and they think the dude McCain, who admits he knows nothing about the economy, is the man to handle that job. They don't stop to look at the situation our economy is in now and question the fact McCain has been part of the status quo and part of the problem.

    Also, 70 to 80% of Americans are very, very concerned about illegal immigration. So they decide McCain is the one to rid this country of illegals.

    Just pure ignorance. And our politicians feed on this ignorance every election cycle.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by Dianne

    Everyone in my life, including my 87 year old liberal democrat mother share my views.
    Maybe I mis-spoke. They agree there are alot of illegals in this country, they just don't care, and they will do nothing to stop it. They don't vote, they don't care who is running the country/government. They just pay their taxes, they don't ask questions, and they are happy to just go along with whatver is happening. THEY DON'T CARE!
    How do you get people to care enough to actually DO something?

  4. #14
    Senior Member Dianne's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    I hope some proud state will secede from the US so we can all move there. If not, this reservation looking pretty good right now !!!!

    Lakota Sioux Secede From US, Declare Independence

  5. #15
    Senior Member Lone_Patriot's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    i know 2 people who are going to vote for hussain obama because they want to be part of 'history'. when i recommended they research him before they voted both said they were toooo busy to do that. one of the people i recommended they not vote because they were so uninformed... needless to say that didn't go over well.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Saki's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Dianne

    Everyone in my life, including my 87 year old liberal democrat mother share my views. The problem we are faced with is the majority of people are ignorant.
    They've also been cowed by formidable forces in the media, academia and government; conditioned to question their long-standing values and positions. I know many people, for example, who privately express concern about illegal immigration, yet they won't speak of it outside their closest circle for fear of being labeled "anti-immigrant" or "bigot". They're not even aware that they've internalized what has been relentlessly imposed upon them by media influence and the already converted population.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Dianne's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    All I can think of right now is THIRD PARTY !!!!

    Someone loved by the conservatives and conservative talk radio needs to step up and kill this election for McCain.

    McCain (a fake republican) is far more dangerous than Hillary or Obama combined !!

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Burlington, NC

    Love you all...

    Thanks guys (and gals) for giving me support...I thought I was alone out there....I was just bewildered how in the H E double hockey sticks that McCain is leading the republican race. Just the mention of his name burns me up!!!!

    I am serious about my intentions. I will continue to write the National Republican Party, both South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia state headquarters to express my totally displeasure with supporting John McCain....

    I will also, try in the middle of the night post a huge sheet sign on I-40/85;

    McCain wants amnesty for Illegals

    If he becomes the Republican nominee, I will vote for Hillary that witch....Clinton Mafia.... she-devil before I will vote for McCain....

    Let's keep the pressure on our parties folks whether you are democrat of republican...we have to stop them.

    Love you all

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