AllAmerican, I do remember that. And I think other similar such incidents have occurred inland. I can't say that I think much of Americans to who abandon their own countries to retire elsewhere but it only goes to show that Mexico, like other countries, doesn't welcome foreigners on their soil.
Why, then, do we?

As is stated way too often this is a nation of immigrants. Well, we have enough now. The illegal ones need to be uprooted like the weeds they have become and sent back to wherever they came from before they spread any further. The legal ones need to either live in peace or go back home and the natuaralized ones need to either live as Americans or give up their citizenship and return to their homelands.

I'm all for immigrants who want to be Americans. I have nothing against them celebrating their own cultures as long as those cultures are within US laws-- i.e. people can't murder their wives, stone their daughters to death, or things like that just because they can in their homeland. But, as I mentioned in a post on another section of this forum, I am very suspicious of any who would march around waving foreign flags and demanding things from this government on behalf of people who are not and do not belong here legally.