Tom has my support....

This is OUR country. It’s not just the government’s country. Big business and illegal immigrants think it’s their country, but its NOT! This is our fight; if we keep electing the same clowns into office we will keep getting the same results. How can we expect them to respect us, or do what is right by us if we just keep putting the same freaking people in power?
So many Americans are waking up and taking notice of a government out of control. Whose interest do they have in mind? Ours, or is it more likely its THIER best interest they looking out for?
These politicians are so out of touch with reality, and the challenges the middle class has today in America. Rising energy cost, illegal immigration, outsourcing, insurance rates, and China building up its military, and finally, one messed up Middle East.
We are at the crossroads for the future of this country. We have an option as Americans on what we will accept. I don’t want to accept that our government is willing to sell out the Middle Class for big business; I will not accept a government willing to sell me out for CHEAP votes.
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got! Something needs to change; now, we just have to have the guts to change it. We have the ability to take our country back. We just need Americans to be courageous, and DEMAND change.