I need volunteers!!!!!!!!

I hope some of you will help with this.

I would like information about city/county elections, the name of the candidates and their position on illegal immigration, compared to ALIPAC's Platform, by this evening.

If you take on one city/county that will be a big help to us.

This is no different than calling the offices of Congress and asking how they will be voting.

We need a list of cities that have candidates, which support our platform so we need you fanning out and finding the information for us.

We need each ALIPAC Activist to take the following steps.

1. Determine if you have local elections on Tuesday.
2. Determine who is running.
3. Make calls and research online to find out which candidates stand with the ALIPAC platform.
4. Make sure you vote and you bring others that share your concerns out to vote.
5. Consider making a contribution or volunteering to help candidates you ID as being with our cause and with the public.

You can determine who is running locally by picking up a local newspaper or by visiting your county or state board of elections website.

"Simply enforce our existing immigration laws!"

1. Secure Our Borders
2. Crack down on employers that intentionally hire illegals
3. Remove incentives and rewards to illegals such as licenses, welfare, and other taxpayer benefits
4. Enforce our existing laws and deport illegal aliens when convicted of crimes or detected during routine law enforcement activities

We need candidate information. Can call the cities that are holding a city council and county elections and ask their position on illegal immigration? Please seek them out and ask the candidates the tought questions.

For more details and a sample script:

If anyone needs assistance finding the contact information for candidates, please let me know and I will help you this afternoon. If you search the name of the city and election, most likely you will find at least the candidates names. Go to the city, county or state election site and look for candidate info or applications. This information is public record.

