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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Taking "our" eyes off the symptom...

    This may seem a hard pill to first... but it makes sense.

    When a dog is teased with a stick a stupid dogs bits the stick...a smart dog bits the kids leg! How many of us are smart dogs? I'm tired of fighting with the stick!

    Our economy and immigration problem is not the fault of the illegals. It is the problem of our broken down Constitutional illiterate government.

    I propose that the illegals be completely taken out of the equation because the are the "symptom" of the problem... not the problem. Being angry at the Mexicans is not helping to solve anything. War and anger never solves anything. It just creates more government. Anyone else seeing a connection?

    If I was a Mexican I would be doing the very same thing. I would be angry and taking everything I could get... We will NEVER get the ear of the illegals and convince them to willingly go home. It is just stupid to think that. This problem started hundreds of years ago and it will not be solved by educating or eradicating the Mexican. Border and law enforcement have always been the key...the very reasons the laws were made in the first place.

    I think it is time to take our eyes off the "results of usurpation" and put them where they belong. Our horrible government set the stage and started the war. I think I know why but that does not matter. What does matter is the usurpation of government and congress against the will and law of the people. Time to hold them accountable for their treason's.

    I sincerely hope this makes sense to some of you and I don't succeed in alienating myself...again.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    Nothing alienating there HLC.

    We've, that is many of us have brought this eaxact point up in the past, myself included. A different analogy, but the same point none the less.

    But over time, one begins to think about how you fight a cold. Do you just try to alieviate one symptom, or all of them?

    In the case of the illegal alien invasion, the problem is the lack of following the written laws. The critters in DC and the State Legislations are just as much a symptom as those who illegally enter and demand. Couple this with a blatant lack and I like many here believe to be a traitorous lack of border enforcement, and the recipe is for the disasterous effects we are now sufferring under. Just like all the legislation over the years to allow companies to outsource labor and completely uproot and send manufacturing overseas.

    The ways to correct this, are simple, but difficult to impliment with the cultural marxists we have in office and that they are on the take from big money who pulls the puppet strings.

    Close down the border, use the E-Verify System to weed out those who don't belong. Re-institute our import tariffs so business comes home, and vote these spineless dweebs out of office the first chance we get.

  3. #3
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    Maybe that is what is needed. Saying the same thing in as many ways as possible.

    Short of everyone becoming constitutional lawyers...I think it brakes down to understanding two points...

    1. Immigration has been used as a cheap form of slavery forever. In fact I have read some studies that think that slavery was abolished because it was cheaper to "system enslave" people and tax them. This system is braking down with the advent of entitlements and obama care. But it has drawn the entire country into the enslavement of Americans and illegals.

    2. Political abuse of immigrants and the ever growing entitlement generations for vote support to further the socialist government.

    The later is the real and true reason that border protection and immigration laws are being avoided. Bottom line...government is only self serving. The people mean noting except for usurpation and taxation.

    The illegals did not bring this about...our congress did.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    Actually coming to understand that point is a step further. It allows for a more dynamic comprehension of the situation and the other things that come into play.

    When folks bring this point of issue up, it is always good, as it is a reminder of the very reasons to stand against an illegal invasion.

    One of the most detestful to me, is the use of aliens as any form of slave labor. That is the most direspectful, and undignified thing that one human being can ever do to another. Even if they are payed, the wages are marginal for supporting a single person let alone a family. It is and must be the most disgraceful practise ever devised by man. O.k., enough of my soapbox on that one.

    The other side of it, is the stupid idea that we should pass any form of amnesty or back door deal to let them jump ahead of the line. Sorry, that doesn't work either as it promotes more bad behavior. Especially those who don't care to assimilate to American Culture. And if politicians are more concerned to get votes than properly represent their constituents, than they are obviously the wrong people for the job, as they are poor statesmen, and undeserving of the office they sought.

    And you're absolutely correct, in that government is self serving, and the people are nothing more than a meal ticket. The trouble is, we've gotten to the point that government is like the plant in Little Shop of Horrors. It's grown so big, we can no longer sustain it. Lest we all exist in lives of misery and toil for the government store.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Now that is just spooky Hylander... who does he look and sound like?

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