When Rep. Tom Tancredo withdrew from the GOP presidential race on December 20, 2007, he endorsed Gov. Mitt Romney for president. Tancredo's endorsement of a governor that was strong on the issue of illegal immigration made sense.

While Mike Huckabee and John McCain were fighting to reward illegal aliens with in-state tuition, Gov. Mitt Romney was placing his veto on legislation in Massachusetts that would have provided in-state tuition to illegal aliens at public colleges and universities in Massachusetts. Gov. Romney's strong opposition then and now to in-state tuition for illegal aliens is one very good reason for Tom Tancredo to support Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney opposed the issuance of driver licenses to illegal aliens while governor of Massachusetts and continues to oppose the issuance of driver licences to illegal aliens. Another good reason for Tancredo to endorse Mittt Romney.

While governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney strongly supported English immersion as does Tom Tancredo.

Gov. Romney worked to obtain Section 287(g) training for Masachusetts state troopers. This training would have allowed Massachusetts state troopers to enforce federal immigration laws. Gov. Romney signed an agreeement with the feds for such training. However, the new governor of Massachusetts, Gov. Patrick, refused to allowe the troopers to be trained. If the feds had acted quickly on Gov. Romney's request to sign an agreement for the training, it is likely that dozens of troopers could have been trained during Gov. Romney's time as governor of Massachusetts. Instead, the feds dragged their feet for months and months before signing the agreement.

Gov. Romney opposes amnesty.

The first principle in Gov. Romney's immigration plan is to secure the borders.

While Huckabee, McCain and Rudy would give legal status and a path to citizenship to millions of illegal aliens as president, Gov. Romney would secure the borders and not reward illegal aliens with amnesty.

As I mentioned in a previous post, Gov. Romney has been endorsed by many leaders in the fight against illegal immigration.

Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, a recipeient of a grade of "A" from Americans for Better Immigration (ABI,) has endorsed Gov. Romney.

Rep. Phil Gingrey of Georgia has endorsed Gov. Romney. Rep. Gingrey has achieved a grade of "A" from ABI.

Rep. Robert Adeholt of Alabama, awarded a grade of "A" from ABI, has endorsed Gov. Romney.

Rep. Howard McKeon of California, a recipient of a grade of "A" from ABI, has endorsed Gov. Romney.

Rep. Jack Kingston of Georgia has endorsed Gov. Romney. Rep. Kingston has achieved a grade of "A" from ABI.

Senator Jim Demint of South Carolina, awarded a grade of "A" from ABI, has endorsed Gov. Romney.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has endorsed Gov. Romney.

Gov. Romney's television advertisement on immigration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30siVmjvBgY .