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  1. #11
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    Grant Township Mi

    Taxation without Representation was one of the slogans used to get the colonies stirred up against Britain, and King George III.

    If you read the Declaration of Independence, you will see where there are statements that the Colonial Governors were at the whim of the King, for the tenure (paycheck) of their office, and that they were made to travel long distances in short periods which left them exhausted, so they usually went with the status quo, instead of questioning, and debating the issues of the day.

    That is why we are supposed to have a Constitution, and it's Amendments, and a Bill of Rights. Between these documents, and the former mentioned Declaration, the form of Government of a Constitutional Republic would keep things in check.

    The citizens would be protected by the rules and regulations that are spelled out in black and white (actually black & parchment). But over time, those in the legal field infiltrated all three branches, and pushed for an idea that our founding documents are living, interpretable documents. The problem with leaving them open to interpretation, is that the 287 safeguards built into the Constitution alone can be interpreted out of existance, and then We the People are right back to square one where the Founders were 230 years ago.

    You have oppressive leadership who care only for themselves and those who put them on their pedistal, while the remainder of the population works and lives at little better than, or the equivelant of slavery.

    I recommend for those who haven't done so yet, to read the Founding Documents of your nation, and the individual state you live in. Your State Constitution will be a duplicate of the Federal Constutution, as will be the Amendments for the most part.

    But don't read them the way you were taught to in school, by the left wing revisionists of the last 40+ years, but read them as they were meant to be read. As a list of rules and regulations that apply to everyone who is an American. As it is all our resposibilty to be involved with our nation.

    The only problem is, is that it has flipped over from being based on the will of the people, to being based on the will of the Fed. And this whole process got started before the Civil War, and got into full swing after it's conclusion. But it's taken a long time to get this far, with the Fed and the State chipping away at it little by little.

    So don't underestimate the men who founded this nation. They were lightyears ahead of their time, and they are lightyears ahead of most in our time. As they also were aware of the dangers that can arise from corruption, which is why those safeguards are built into the Constitution, and Bill of Rights. They were supposed to be enough, even though they were written by men, they held the highest authority, since your Rights are granted to you at birth by your Creator. Whomever that may be. And not surrenderable to any institution of man, because your Creator is greater than any Government, or institution of man.

    You may also want to read the Federalist Papers, and Common Sense. I made an effort to read them in school first, even though they weren't required reading anymore, and then again as an adult. Also everytime I re-read these books, and our Foundations, I learn a little more and a little more. How these writings can be omitted from a school's required reading list just baffles me. These compositions are what made America the greatest Nation on Earth. The envy of every other country. But it looks like the rest of the world won't be appeased until America is sucked down to their level.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2007
    Thank you all so much for taking the time to explain this concept to me.
    I have really learned alot!!!
    My thoughts were just that about 85 percent of Americans oppose Amnesty and yet the government pushes ahead. So I wanted to know if Joe Public had recourse.
    I will read the suggested books and try to become as informed as I can because it is much easier to win an arguement when you have all the facts.
    Again, thanks everyone!

  3. #13
    Senior Member Hylander_1314's Avatar
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    Grant Township Mi
    As Walt Whitman said, "it's not what knows that gets him in trouble".

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