Gee do ya think????

Law Professor to Congress: Obama’s Failure to Enforce Immigration Law Is ‘Dereliction of Duties'

Wednesday, March 02, 2011
By Penny Starr

Carol Swain, professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, said at a March 1 House hearing on immigration that President Barack Obama's failure to enforce federal immigration laws a 'dereliction of duties.' ( Starr)

Carol Swain

Carol Swain, professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, said at a March 1 House hearing on immigration that President Barack Obama's failure to enforce federal immigration laws a 'dereliction of duties.' ( Starr)

( - A Vanderbilt University law professor told a House committee on Tuesday that President Barack Obama's failure to enforce federal immigration law is a "dereliction of duties" that puts Americans at risk.

“President Obama’s failure to enforce federal immigration laws raises the question of whether we are a nation of laws or a nation without the courage of its convictions,â€