He just blew the cover on the Democrats. In 2005 the Senate Banking Committee voted to put over sight on Fannie and Freddie. It passed Repubs voting for the oversight, Dems against. It never came to the floor for a vote because they didn't have 60 votes to get it passed.

The Repubs in the committee were trying pair down the two companies because Greenspan warned that they were getting too big. But the Dems wanted more AFFORDABLE housing for lower income people. Well, know we see what has happened. Once those loans started raising the rates after the honeymoon period the people couldn't or wouldn't pay the mortgages. Thus, the loans that Freddie and Fannie bought went bad.

So there we have it. The Dems are blaming the Repubs because they are usually against regulation, which is normally but true, BUT NOT IN THIS CASE. This lies directly in the Democrats laps and now they want to spin and cover up and want to bamboozle us again.

These guys know no shame.