The Secure Communities Initiative allows local law enforcement agencies to run fingerprints through a federal database showing illegal residents who previously committed a crime.

If it is discovered the individual is a criminal alien, then a detainer for immigration can be placed on them. However, if the only revelation is that they’re simply in the country illegally, then they will not be held for immigration officers.

Our immigration law states that all illegal aliens are eligible for deporation. However, under Secure Communities, all local law enforcement agencies are basically directed to release illegals that have no criminal record!

IMO, Secure Communities lacks the necessary teeth to have a serious impact on our illegal alien population because it allows all illegals that have not committed a crime a free pass. This practice needs to end quickly or we'll never make any real progress in lowering the illegal alien population in our country. DHS will tell you that the their lack of resources prevents a more pro-active stance. While that claim may be partially factual, I don't think it's the whole story.

Could there be an agenda behind Secure Communities that we're overlooking? Personally, I think it's fairly well understood that the Obama administration does not want to deport any illegal that would stand to benefit from a general amnesty, that includes the so-called dreamers.

Yes, I'm suggesting Secure Communities could be a cover designed to keep most illegals from being deported before an amnesty granting bill can be passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Obama.

I will admit that Secure Communities does serve a function, however, I'm not so sure getting rid of the worst among the illegal alien population is the primary goal of the program. Could the primary goal actually be to halt the deportation of illegals that would stand to benefit from a future comprehensive immigration reform program? After all, it's a known fact that Secure Communities is specifically designed to only deport those illegals that would not be eligible for a future amnesty.
