I pulled this from a different thread because I'd like to get some feedback from y'all.

When I see a new member come on the boards I literally breath a sigh of relief and say to myself "One more person, great"...but how to reach the masses before it is too late...I don't know.
I joined this forum on February 6th, and have had the pleasure of watching this site double in registered users in that time. I assume it will grow even faster as the Battle of Capitol Hill rages. We are drawing members and contributors from all walks of life in all 50 states. As more of us get active among our family and friends, educating them to the dire situation our nation faces, we can expect to see our membership grow exponentially.

It's important that those of you with a 'knack' for writing, DO SO! It's helpful for those folks here that are unsure of their own abilities in that area. Many times I've been asked permission to copy and paste something I've written, so folks could send it to their contacts. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

This battle over illegal immigration, if it's to be won, will hinge upon the education of our fellow citizens. Most are oblivious to the danger we face. Reasoned words must be our weapon of choice, and we must keep them honed to a fine edge in order to use them effectively.

Patience will be needed in abundance, as many people will simply reply to you with the same rhetoric the MSM has spoon-fed them, not even realizing that their opinion, as uninformed as it is, is NOT EVEN THEIRS!

When you see that light come on you're halfway home.

From there you can educate them with the resources of this site and others, and motivate them to wake up and educate their family and friends. If we all do this over the summer, I'd wager that over 15,000 people will be registered here by Election Day.

Imagine the possibilities