Phew! The left-leaning, bed-wetting bleeding heart liberal Chicago Tribune, who has never met an illegal alien they didn't like ( and couldn't write a glowing, warm the cockles of your heart kind of story about), provided a 'post your comments' section in their illegal alien march coverage. People are FURIOUS! Mind you, this is Aztlan's Norte colony of Chicago where we NEVER hear a bad word about illegal aiens no matter what they do form the MSM. Somehow, I don't think this is quite the response the editors anticipated or they would never have asked "what are your thoughts?". They held all posts for about an hour, they were probably trying to figure out whether to shut it down or not. I had the phone in my hand ready to crawl down their throats when new comments began to appear. It is kind of funny. I bet the editors will never do THAT again! Haha! I'M LOVIN' IT! It is starting to cloud up a bit, I am hoping to conjure up an afternoon thunderstorm. Wait until they all get into the open in Grant Park, then let the heavens open and have a downpour worthy of a hurricane! Ha! ... i-news-hed