For latest update: see last post on this thread

This site was set up, by thier own statement, to give EMPLOYERS information. It is also for rallying their troops.

DID ANYBODY STOP TO READ on their website THEY SAY THERE WERE 3000 PEOPLE AT THE RALLY on Feb 14th in Philly? oh ho ho THAT'S RICH!!

I guess all the newspaper accounts were made by blind people. They just couldn't see the other 2,500 people hanging around. Or did the site hosts only see them in their imaginations? Maybe they were '"spirit people"

Original Friday 17th posting:

The question is Should HR4437 be passed? the no's are in the majority because of the type site it is - PRO-ILLEGALs. so let's change those numbers with our votes! ... 3&Itemid=1