From what I'm hearing from friends in DC, it's next to impossible to get through by phone or FAX. Some people said they've been trying to call for hours and the lines are continually busy (or off the hook?)

Some are starting to track emails to addresses and zip codes; anything not in their area are blocked or diverted as SPAM.

They don't want to hear from their constituents because they know the majority do not back them on this new bill.

I sent dozens of emails yesterday - I'm not sure if they got in under the wire or not, but that's the best I can do. Now we just keep our fingers crossed and hope enough of the "selected" see the light, and vote it down.

If this bill goes through as written, or even slightly modified, it is going to bankrupt most states. You can only tax and cut services so much before it draws blood. The hospitals subsidy offered by the Federal government is such a pittance, it's hardly worth mentioning.