Domain Case...

Way I see it, the overt message was that local government can seize your property and provide it to another by way of defining public use as including tax revenue enhancement.

But that is a diversion...

The real covert purpose of that decision in my opinion is simply the following - two fold:

It was a Supreme Court grant to States and their Counties whose hands are tied with property tax rate limitation laws (such as CA's Prop. 13) that the laws no longer apply.

In other words, those who are sitting on properties with very low assessment values as a result of staying and not selling can now have their assessments reassessed at today's contemporary market rate by simply forcing them to move elsewhere into newer or higher assessed properties.

No 2/3's vote of the affected legislatures required...

Of course this begs the question..."Well why a federal interest then?"

Simply the fact that the only way to increase the money supply without creating inflation is to take already existing static money and force it into spending channels...

Senior citizens are savers - and most likely to be sitting on low-assessment properties. Same for generational family businesses. Forcing them into more costly properties or rental properties by default forces their savings into the money supply.

Money that otherwise would have been some relative's inheritance.

In other words is not simply an erosion of property rights under our great is also socioeconomic engineering at the Fed level - something which our government has no business doing in the first place. It is a variation of a tax - the kind that destroys...

Welcome your rebuttals and addins...
