My family, and most alll we know, voted on Fred. We liked his message. But now we feel like Fred cheated us. Seems the rumor going round is that Fred stayed in the race thru SC so he could take votes away from Huckabee...who we all agree was our 2nd choice especially after he signed the Illegal Immigration promise. He wanted the votes given him to help his buddy, McCain. Thats why he has been 'lazy'...he really doesnt want to be the Pres.....he was in it to help McCain. If you'd taken half of the Fred votes, Huck would have tied McCain. Thats wrong. I'll bet you McCain helped Fred with $$$ as well. Seems Fred ditched Michigan and concentrated on SC for awhile, where Huck was the biggest threat. We here in SC are serious about our immigration, (except for the chicken/egg/vege farmers and the Beach resort areas, all who are loving the illegals cheap labor). So I am voting for Romney. McCain could have been beat, but Fred screwed us.