Tough Love for Patriots

Consider this article an act of “tough love.” I whole heartedly support ALIPAC.US. I know the people on this site work really hard and are always thinking about how to win the fight against the open borders lobby. But like all human activities mistakes are made. Dec 3 is almost here and on that date Michelle Bachman is calling for patriots to rally and fight back.

ALIPAC should be announcing this event front and center. People cannot support an event unless they know about it. The information about the Dec. 3 rally is buried among other articles with different headlines. Many visitors to this site will not see it buried among all of the other information. This event should be a top priority item for the present. All patriots should be single mindedly focusing on making this rally a success. Yet from what I see there is little cross chatter on conservative blogs about it.

Congresswoman Michelle Bachman is organizing a rally on Wednesday, Dec. 3 at high noon on the western steps of the capitol inWashington, D.C. Bachmann is asking for patriots to come to the capital to show solidarity, as well as urging them to “melt the phone lines” of their representatives to not approve any money for executive amnesty. TheCongress will be in session from Dec. 1-11, so this will be the window during which to call them. We have been told by Bachman that the GOP has no intentions of making a serious fight against President Puke’s amnesty. We must force them to act.

What about single person protests in public areas in support of Bachman’s rally? Conservatives should be single minded in trying to make the Dec. 3 rally huge.

I am not aware that any conservative talk show hosts are promoting this rally, as far as I know, not even Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or even Mark Levin (who is supposed to be a friend of Bachman’s). Perhaps these hosts have mentioned it but I listen to them a lot, and if they did mention it and it got by me, that means they are not talked about it enough. Remember just about everyone in their radio audiences are occasional listeners. There is a lot of stuff they do not hear about. It needs to be talked about a lot. How about conservatives send these conservative celebrities emails urging to be very active supporters of Bachman’s rally? I understand that now Congressman Steven King is in charge of promoting this rally.

Silence is capitulation, inactivity is loosing by default. No wonder conservatism fails to stop Obama.

“Is anybody there? Does anybody care?” George Washington in a letter to Congress.