I was channel surfing and saw this being spoke about on a Christian station for a site/group called "wallbuilders". David Barton was speaking about the end of slavery and the initial first freed slaves who became politicians and their contributions we never hear of, in this he spoke about the true intent of the 14th Amendment. I know we all know this already, but it helps to have backing like this to show the liberals how far off they are to use this to try to secure citizenship for millions of illegal aliens born here (anchor babies).

Additional Civil Rights Protections

While Congress had passed the Amendment, some voices in the South bitterly protested the abolition of slavery and vowed to withhold from former slaves the rights belonging to other citizens in their State

Republicans in Congress addressed this problem over the next several years by passing a series of seven civil rights bills. (Unfortunately, most of these laws were eventually struck down by the Supreme Court, including the 1875 Republican law prohibiting segregation - overturned by the Court in Plessey v. Ferguson. It was not until 1954 in Brown v. Board of Education that the Court reversed itself and upheld that Republican law. In fact, the resurrection of civil rights in the famous 1968 Civil Rights Act was based largely upon the Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts passed by Republicans a century earlier.) In 1868, Congress passed the 14th Amendment to ensure that freed slaves and other African-Americans would enjoy all the privileges and rights conveyed by being a citizen either of the State or the nation.

Ratification of both the 13th and 14th Amendments became a requisite for the readmission of the seceded Southern States back into the Union. But most of those States, at that time still controlled by Democrat State legislatures, refused to ratify the Amendments. As a result, Republicans briefly took control of those southern legislatures and ratified the Amendments, thereby achieving the readmission of those States into the Union.

http://www.wallbuilders.com/LIBissuesAr ... asp?id=133