17 Aug 2016

The developer of the popular question and answer app Zip predicts that Donald Trump will win the election, despite recent polls suggesting Hillary Clinton has a significant lead over the Republican presidential nominee.

Ric Militi, who is the co-founder of the company who developed the app, said that he would “go for Trump” based on the data that the app has collected. He argues his data is more accurate than that of other polling techniques because results are collected anonymously, thus removing any potential judgement for respondents’ answers.

“We’re not a poll. We’re a conversation, and 100% anonymous,” Militi said. “People feel comfortable answering questions without fear of being bullied or being called a racist. People can express themselves safely, and you get a pure answer.”

Some of the surveys conducted by the app, which has over 100,000 users, include whether users planned to vote for Clinton or Trump, with Trump defeating Clinton. 64% to 36%. Meanwhile the same question posed to Californians had Trump leading Clinton 55% to 45%, despite California being a Democratic stronghold.

The results are all the more surprising given that the medium of a smartphone app tends to be used by younger people, with younger people generally considered to favour voting for Clinton over Trump.

Militi also claimed his app had correctly predicted the results before. “These are the same results we saw when he [Trump] was in the primaries,” he added.