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Union rescinds support
Turner snubbed over immigration stance
Charlotte Hsu, Staff Writer
Article Launched:10/24/2006 12:00:00 AM PDT

A San Bernardino City Unified School District union on Monday rescinded its endorsement for school-board candidate Joseph Turner, citing Turner's anti-illegal-immigration activism as a main motivation for its withdrawal of support.
The local chapter of the California School Employees Association, which represents mostly non-teaching workers, held a special meeting Monday after receiving a flood of e-mails from members concerned about Turner's views.

Union President Ken Holt said members voted to cancel the Turner endorsement because of accusations that the candidate was racist. Some members were angry after seeing Internet photographs showing Turner alongside neo-Nazis at a rally against day-labor centers, Holt said.

Turner, who gathered signatures for a failed initiative that would have prohibited city-funded day-labor centers in San Bernardino, has said he would bring his fight against illegal immigration to the schools if elected.

He said he would use a seat on the school board to try to eliminate distribution of district material, including parental notices, in Spanish. Turner also said he wants to challenge a Supreme Court ruling instructing U.S. schools to enroll children regardless of their



immigration status.
Union members who initially endorsed Turner said they had liked his commitment to accountability in hiring within the school district.

Turner said despite the union's withdrawal of support, he will continue to advocate for fair hiring.

"In a way, it doesn't change a damn thing," he said. "Am I angry? Am I frustrated? Yes."

But he added that, "It's not the first punch I've taken."

Turner also said he is not racist and would support educating all citizens, including children who are citizens but whose parents are illegal immigrants who don't speak English.

He said photos depicting him alongside neo-Nazis don't tell a fair story. He said he and his supporters left the rally as soon as the neo-Nazis arrived and did not welcome the white supremacists' presence.

About 60 people attended Monday's union meeting, open to all CSEA members. Holt said a larger turnout for initial endorsements - also open to the entire membership - could have prevented the need to rescind support now.

Saying a handful of complaints requires union leaders to schedule a recall vote, Holt said, "It kind of isn't fair, but it's a member-run organization."