Democrats say they will put the brakes to outsourcing our jobs....but under Clinton, we got NAFTA.

Republicans are getting tough on illegals....but not until we threw a hissy fit.

Now we have an election, and for people like me, who is worried about the illegal mess and outsourcing.....which one would you vote for?

I only have to worry about the race between Geoff Davis vs. Ken Lucas, but others', what would you do?

I do fear, Ken Lucas, D. KY. will be elected again, and he voted to give S.S. to illegals, the last time he was in the HOUSE.

This morning, I read an article from Germany. Their highly educated citizens are moving out of Germany to get jobs....they are taxed so high, too many jobs have been outsourced, and they brought in cheap, uneducated labor.....and that's about all they have now....NOW, they are worried about losing their countrymen with an education!!

What's your take on all of this?