U.S. Border Control has been a tremendous help in getting cosponsors for
immigration legislation and building support for immigration reforms."
Congressman Tom Tancredo, Colorado

Dear Steve:

For the past several weeks, the American people have done a tremendous job standing up to a renegade Senate and President who has managed to convince even the most die-hard Republicans that he is completely on the wrong side of this issue.

This email is really just a pep talk to ask you to keep going for the next few days -- calling and sending your emails from our Legislative Action Center.

Once at the Legislative Action Center, you can send multiple emails to your two U.S. Senators simply by clicking on a button. If this is your first time, you will need to provide your name an address (required by the U.S. Senate - not us). Subsequent emails will fill in that data automatically. (if not, you may have to adjust your browser's security so it does not constantly clear the cache)

The email alerts are prewritten, but, if you wish, you may edit them to use your own words.
For your telephone calls, there are some talking points below for those offices that are still willing to listen. (many offices simply record your position and go on to the next call).

You can use the Washington, D.C. telephone numbers provided or go to our website www.usbc.org to obtain a complete up-to-date listing of every Senators in-state office address, fax and phone numbers. Click on the line that begins with "In-state offices. You can also download this .pdf file for future reference. (Calling these in-state offices seems to have a lot of impact.)

Turn their own weapons against them

An open borders group, obviously well-funded by Mexico or one of the multinational corporations benefitting from illegal migration, has established a toll-free number that automatically identifies your Senators and connects you directly to their offices for free. That number is 800-417-7666.

Ignore their sales pitch for amnesty for illegal aliens and their families and use their fancy toll-free telephone service to tell your Senators that you want them to vote NO on cloture and NO on the Bush-Kennedy amnesty.

Tell them passing no bill is far better than passing an amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens.

Tell them if they want to do something they should start enforcing existing laws.

1. Remind them that 3 of the 6 terrorists who planned to blow up Fort Dix (the Fort Dix Six) came across the Mexican border.

2. The Heritage Foundation estimates the bill would increase federal spending by $50 billion annually. That does not include the estimated cost of $100 billion annually for anchor babies.

3. The bill forgives felonies of illegal aliens who have stolen Social Security card numbers and identities of U.S. citizens and allows past illegal work to qualify for Social Security benefits.

4. The parents of temporary workers who have never paid into Social Security would be eligible for Supplemental Security Income benefits. It allows them to gain Medicaid benefits after five years. This is a sure fire way to send our Social Security system into quicker bankruptcy.

5. This bill represents a massive tax burden on U.S. citizens to pay for food stamps, K-12 education for millions of illegal alien children, SSI payments for millions of foreigners who broke all our rules breaking into our country, subsidized school lunches, rent subsidies, Medicaid, unemployment compensation and other medical care for out-of-wedlock births.

6. This bill continues chain migration of extended families. That means that every illegal alien can bring in his entire family. Once that happens, each member of that branch can bring in their family members. It’s a pyramid scheme whereby they can bring in an unlimited number of relatives. It never ends. It’s going on right now with legal immigrants, which is why we’ll add 100 million people, at the minimum, by 2040.

7. This bill doesn't stop illegal migration! It forgives employers of past lawbreaking and sets up systems whereby illegal immigration can continue at 700,000 to 900,000 illegal annually.

8. This bill ignores the massive fraud in the "guest worker" program where as many as 80% of the agricultural workers quickly abandon the fields to find better paying jobs in construction - defeating the whole purpoes of the program.

I know you are probably worn out from all this frenetic activity, but if we stop, they will win. If you are truly burnt out or if this kind of activism is not your thing, you can still play a major role by helping us out with a contribution. Please help in any way you can. Thank you!

Best Regards,

Edward I. Nelson, Chairman,
U.S. Border Control
8180 Greensboro Drive #1070
Mclean, VA 22102


P.S. We continue to need financial support, right now, in order to do the things we need to do to ensure we defeat this amnesty for 20,000,000 illegal aliens PLUS their families. Your contribution of $20, $35, $50, or $100 today could make all the difference between success and failure.

PLEASE Donate today!

Learn More About U.S. Border Control (http://www.usbc.org/organiz/whowe.htm)