The ultimate gesture of American incivility

By Patricia McCarthy

Last night, Mike Pence went to see the Broadway hit musical Hamilton. He was roundly booed by an audience of ill-mannered theater-goers.

Who knew that people who can afford thousands of dollars (that is what it costs) to see a play about Alexander Hamilton could be so abominably rude? While a few people cheered him, most were booing. This is the low point to which the intolerant left has brought us – very low.

To add insult to injury, Brandon Victor Dixon, the actor who plays Aaron Burr, the man who murdered Hamilton in a duel and became a traitor to America, delivered an ill informed lecture to Pence at the show's end. Can't we all visualize this group of privileged rich actors composing their insulting rant backstage during the performance? He said he and his cast members are "alarmed," as though the country just elected a tyrant. He ranted about "diversity," as though Trump and Pence are actually all the things the "fake news" lefty media say they are.

This crowd have been so thoroughly indoctrinated by the MSM, they are more afraid of a Trump administration than they are of ISIS. This can be explained only by ignorance of essential facts – as Governor, Mike Pence believed in religious freedom and was excoriated for it. But so uninformed are these people that they do not know that their beloved Obama has effected a soft tyranny these past eight years. He has governed by fiat, going around Congress most of his two terms. He has transformed America in countless ways, and many millions of Americans just fought back with their votes. Shouldn't the privilege of wealth bring with it responsibility – the responsibility to be cognizant of essential facts? This audience and this cast are an American embarrassment.

So rude, so unconscionable was this theatrical show of solidarity with the intolerant left that perhaps all of Broadway should be boycotted by sentient people. Maybe those mind-numbed people who booed were not all from New York, but most of them were. Like California, New York is a blue state populated largely with Pauline Kael leftists, people who never come across a conservative in their daily lives. They are shocked when an election does not comport with their views. The plight of the millions of people in the flyover states never enters their consciousness. And if it does, they are quickly dismissed as too stupid to vote, to have a say in their national governance.

Those people who booed the vice president-elect should be ashamed of themselves, but they are not. They are proud of themselves. They apparently did not grasp the meaning of the play they just paid thousands of dollars to see – the miracle of America's founding, the Revolution, and the Constitution. It's a good bet that none of those actors or members of the audience who were so loudly booing has ever read our founding document. If they had, they would not have behaved as they did. If they had, they would respect the results of the election.

As Obama so crudely reminded Republicans in 2009, elections have consequences, and he won. The consequence of his eight-year tenure as president is Donald Trump. The lefty N.Y. theater crowd should begin to accept the fact that the damage done by Obama has been repudiated.