Okay...will somebody PLEASE tell me just WHAT an "underpriviliged American Family IS??

I keep hearing this same ad on our local radio station....it's basically soliciting donations for "underpriviliged American families" who will be going without this Christmas.

And you know what? That OFFENDS me. I mean, if poor families in the U.S. are where they are because they lack "priviliges" then does that mean I am where I am because I've been priviliged?

And just what ARE those so-called "priviliges" that I have that many other Americans don't have?

I grew up in a middle-class family, attended public school, went to a community college, which I paid for by working, and then went to a State University that I paid for by working and with student loans (which I have since repaid in full).

I have a full-time job, live frugally, and never had children I couldn't afford. I take full responsibility for myself. Does that make me priviliged??

And for all those poor American families who aren't making it....is it because they lacked the same priviliges I had? With VERY few exceptions, I very seriously doubt that underpriviliged families are actually lacking the same priviliges that other American families have.

So quit trying to make me feel guilty by insinuating that I somehow am where I am today because I had more priviliges than some other Americans.

And NO. I won't give one red cent. Not one dime. Nothing. I never asked anybody to give me anything. I believe people should take responsibility for themselves. There are obvious exceptions to this, but they are rare exceptions.

Thank you for letting me rant.