Yeah the Aussie is writing his crap again lol. Well we have come to a part solution to overcome adversity at this stage. Looks like my wife is heading down under. To bloody good. Have full approval from the Senate here and Immigration. So the homework has started. Mate I cannot believe the process here compared to the US. Its really cheap here to finalise all the appropriate details and heve her come across and then a change of status. Now we in essence do have the same problem as the US its just not as covered here becasue Australians as yet havent felt the full impact. Nonehteless its a big problem, the difference is this. It is affordable here to come across when the marriage is absolute and the paperwork doesnt need to have a forest cut down to supply the shuffle across the desk of ducumentation. So this is going to be taken care of now. Also we have been approved id need be to travel to Canada where the same thing is apparent. Paperwork and funds are less than a quarter of what they are US side. Disspaointing to know that the legalities of everying comes down to money when doing things legit. So we have now got some positives to get us through until the red tapoe is done and dealt with ... damn fine i'm thinking lol Brian