Well, It's been tuff getting the word out for the upcoming rally in Austin Texas. Just to let everyone know the October 3rd rally in Houston TX at the Houston City Hall was very productive. MCDC, U.S. Border Watch, Texas Militia, Texas Minutemen, Houston's Police Patrolmans Union, and many other Patriots made our voices heard loud and clear. After sending hundreds of letters to politicians about the need to secure our borders and to start enforcing the immigration laws, it just felt like NO ONE was listening. Americans are the only answer, we the people unfortuntely have to do more. Please if you can spread the word to everyone you know about the upcoming rallies, it would be greatly appreciated.
The one I personally will be attending is the Texas State Capital " Wake Up America " rally November 4th, between 12pm-3pm.
Just copy the following and paste at any forums, emails, or blogs you can. Try to make it to atleast one of these rallies.
Email me at braselton2@sbcglobal.net with any questions or if you want to caravan leaving out of Houston, Tx. just let me know. Together we can as AmeriCANS!
Thanks Again,
Speak Out America:
Houston Texas City Hall October 28th, 2006 12pm-3pm at the steps.

Texas State Capital in Austin Texas November 4th, 2006 between 12pm-3pm. Lets give this one a huge physical presence, just a few hours can make a big difference in our strugle to " Wake Up America "mission.

Lets stand together and Wake Up America. I have sent emails, and letters to the politicians about the need to enforce our laws and secure the border. ARE THEY LISTENING? A recent report from the Houston Chronicle, Citing federal estimates the Border Patrol(True American Heros) apprehends only 10-30 percent of illegal crossers. The report said as many as 10 (TEN) MILLION illegal aliens may have entered the U. S. last year.

DO THE MATH.... The numbers of illegal aliens could be as high as 60-100 MILLION from the last 20 years. Really how far off could that really be?
The fact remains we can not allow illegal immigration to continue. Your voice is needed, I need you, your country needs you.
There is a " WAKE UP AMERICA" Rally Saturday, November 4 , 2006 (12pm-3pm) at the Texas State Capital (Austin, Texas).
ALL AMERICANS are encouraged to be a part of this patriotic spirit.
Featuring the U. S. Border Watch " Parade of Flags " and Immigration Reform Related Speakers & Music.
Please join us the weekend before the election at the Texas State Capital in Austin and help to hold our elected "leaders" feet to the fire on this important issue.
Bring a bottle of water, some American Pride, and your sign. Some ideas for signs..... " Border Security IS National Security!" Enforce Our Immigration Laws NOW! " , " NO MORE ILLEGAL ALIENS! " etc.
If you don't come ..Who will?
I know how some of you feel. You think if you pay your taxes, work hard, try to do the right things and it will all work itself out. WRONG! If we do not make our voices heard, NO ONE will listen.
Please tell as many people as you can to come. Email everyone, Blog 'til your fingers smoke, GET ENVOLVED!
For those of you that will get envolved, you will feel a sensation of American pride that is both honorable and rewarding.
You can goto www.usborderwatch.com
or email me at braselton2@sbcglobal.net for more info or to confirm you are coming. Video invitation from one of the groups http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmIZ8UPVkNM
Don't forget to support the fence project at www.minutemanhq.com
BB/Minuteman Civil Defence Corps