As I do, some of you may have friends or neighbors who are against amnesty. They may not be computer saavy or have much information on it or none at all.

What I have done is printed out our list of Senators and the talking points on the Dream Act. I'm going to Kinkos and have copies made so I can pass them out to my neighbors in my tract. I'll ask them, "Are you familiar with the Dream Act that Senator Durbin want to pass to give amnesty to illegals." Depending on their response I'll give or not give them my copy of information.

If they are angry and want something done I'll make it easy for them. I say just read the information about the act. Call your Senators and then call the rest of the list. You can't imagine how multiplied this will help to defeat this bill. In June we literally crashed the Congressional switchboard so many people called against amnesty, yet the Democrats are still trying to cram it down our throats. Please take the time to call as many as you can. Please do it for your children, grandchildren, and their children.

If I can get just 10 people to do it, I'll be happy. If I get more it will be a bonus.