Here are some videos that were taken on the scenes at various marches in support of Illegal Immigrants. When you open the website, you will see a line of still shots from each video. Just double click on the picture and the video screen will come up and play the entire video. Pay special attention to the last three videos pictured to the right... videos taken at a rally in Los Angeles at the MacArthur Park area three weeks after the original May Day fracas that was instigated by Communist Insurgents. Once again, the Communists are there in support of the Illegal Aliens. Many of the Hispanics are carrying banners supporting Communism; in fact, the video in the frame that is third from the right is titled "Reconquista/Communist Agitators Heckle Demonstrators (those demonstrating against Illegal Immigration).

It is very apparent that these people have an agenda that is increasingly less hidden, proving even more that many Illegal Aliens may not be trusted, especially in regard to our National Security.

Here is the website containing the videos:

If any of our members have videos of such incidents that you can share, please don't hesitate to post a link to them.