I heard recently two cases where Obama as well as McCain were speaking to "Hispanic" groups. Achtung! I think it's time that MY ethnic group was added to the list. I am three quarter German and I demand that you publicly announce how you are going to ensure that I finally receive my fair share of bratwurst and beer! I am sick and tired of being ignored! Why is it that only Hispanics get all the attention?? Now, don't go and try to brand me as an American even though I DID pledge allegiance to this country and no other. I'm smart enough to know that THOSE people are treated as second class citizens and can't even get the time of day from das government. I demand that you provide free transport and citizenship for my family in Germany! And one other thing, I want to be able to fly the German flag anytime I want, wherever I want, yah? And, oh...don't forget about the free bratwurst and beer! After all, aren't these my rights?