Get a load of this website http://immigrationclearinghouse(DOT)org/ (the one associated with death threats on William Gheen) These people are just outright LIARS The truth does not matter to these TRUE RACISTS,just as long as their AMNESTY AGENDA stays Intact. These are very dangerous people,and this website and the people behind It should be Investigated... Here is some B.S about Numbers USA and ALIPAC Amid Apple’s much anticipated announcement this week that the Beatles catalog is now available on iTunes, NumbersUSA, an anti-immigrant organization that is part of a network with ties to white nationalists,has announced that an iPad/iPhone app of the same name was launched on November 9, 2010.

NumbersUSA’s app has been approved by Apple and put onto its database for free download. A search for NumbersUSA on will give you, along with a podcast, this description:

“NumbersUSA is a non-profit, non-partisan, public policy organization that favors an environmentally sustainable and economically just America. It opposes efforts to use federal immigration policies to force mass U.S. population growth and to depress wages of vulnerable workers.â€