This was a lot of work, but following is a list of US Senators and their ABI rank

US Senators Party State ABI Score
Pryor, Mark- (D - AR) 0.12
Feingold, Russell- (D - WI) 0.16
Kennedy, Edward- (D - MA) 0.16
Clinton, Hillary- (D - NY) 0.16
Obama, Barack- (D - IL) 0.18
Leahy, Patrick- (D - VT) 0.18
Wyden, Ron- (D - OR) 0.19
Salazar, Ken- (D - CO) 0.2
Schumer, Charles- (D - NY) 0.21
Carper, Thomas- (D - DE) 0.24
Durbin, Richard- (D - IL) 0.25
Murray, Patty- (D - WA) 0.27
Lieberman, Joseph- (D - CT) 0.28
Biden, Joseph- (D - DE) 0.29
Lautenberg, Frank- (D - NJ) 0.31
Sarbanes, Paul- (D - MD) 0.32
Levin, Carl- (D - MI) 0.32
Harkin, Tom- (D - IA) 0.33
Kerry, John- (D - MA) 0.33
Dodd, Christopher- (D - CT) 0.34
Nelson, Ben- (D - NE) 0.34
Bingaman, Jeff- (D - NM) 0.34
Bayh, Evan- (D - IN) 0.4
Cantwell, Maria- (D - WA) 0.4
Nelson, Bill- (D - FL) 0.45
Akaka, Daniel- (D - HI) 0.46
Baucus, Max- (D - MT) 0.46
Kohl, Herb- (D - WI) 0.46
Boxer, Barbara- (D - CA) 0.49
Mikulski, Barbara- (D - MD) 0.49

Rockefeller, John- (D - WV) 0.5
Inouye, Daniel- (D - HI) 0.52
Dorgan, Byron- (D - ND) 0.54
Stabenow, Debbie- (D - MI) 0.55
Dayton, Mark- (D - MN) 0.55
Reed, Jack- (D - RI) 0.55
Corzine, Jon- (D - NJ) 0.56
Landrieu, Mary- (D - LA) 0.58
Conrad, Kent- (D - ND) 0.62
Johnson, Tim- (D - SD) 0.68
Lincoln, Blanche- (D - AR) 0.69
Reid, Harry- (D - NV) 0.69
Feinstein, Dianne- (D - CA) 0.75
Jeffords, James- (I - VT) 0.66
Coleman, Norm- (R - MN) 0.05
Martinez, Mel- (R - FL) 0.16
Hagel, Chuck- (R - NE) 0.18
Chafee, Lincoln- (R - RI) 0.23
Brownback, Sam- (R - KS) 0.23
Lugar, Richard- (R - IN) 0.25
McCain, John- (R - AZ) 0.26
Voinovich, George- (R - OH) 0.3
Smith, Gordon- (R - OR) 0.3
Warner, John- (R - VA) 0.31
Domenici, Pete- (R - NM) 0.32
Snowe, Olympia- (R - ME) 0.34
Dole, Elizabeth- (R - NC) 0.34
DeWine, Mike- (R - OH) 0.35
McConnell, Mitch- (R - KY) 0.36
Cochran, Thad- (R - MS) 0.36
Stevens, Ted- (R - AK) 0.37
Lott, Trent- (R - MS) 0.38
Alexander, Lamar- (R - TN) 0.4
Allard, Wayne- (R - CO) 0.42
Bennett, Robert- (R - UT) 0.42
Gregg, Judd- (R - NH) 0.43
Cornyn, John- (R - TX) 0.43
Collins, Susan- (R - ME) 0.44
Frist, Bill- (R - TN) 0.44
Santorum, Rick- (R - PA) 0.45
Specter, Arlen- (R - PA) 0.45
Hatch, Orrin- (R - UT) 0.45
Burns, Conrad- (R - MT) 0.47
Ensign, John- (R - NV) 0.47
Bond, Christopher- (R - MO) 0.48
Hutchison, Kay- (R - TX) 0.48
Murkowski, Lisa- (R - AK) 0.5
Enzi, Michael- (R - WY) 0.54
Sununu, John- (R - NH) 0.57
Allen, George- (R - VA) 0.6
Craig, Larry- (R - ID) 0.62
Thune, John- (R - SD) 0.67
Graham, Lindsey (R - SC) 0.68
Crapo, Michael- (R - ID) 0.73
DeMint, Jim- (R - SC) 0.75
Isakson, Johnny- (R - GA) 0.78
Grassley, Chuck- (R - IA) 0.79

Burr, Richard- (R - NC) 0.81
Kyl, Jon- (R - AZ) 0.82
Coburn, Tom- (R - OK) 0.82
Thomas, Craig- (R - WY) 0.82
Roberts, Pat- (R - KS) 0.84
Inhofe, James- (R - OK) 0.84
Talent, James- (R - MO) 0.85
Chambliss, Saxby- (R - GA) 0.86
Shelby, Richard- (R - AL) 0.87
Sessions, Jeff- (R - AL) 0.9
Bunning, Jim- (R - KY) 0.9
Vitter, David- (R - LA) 0.94
Byrd, Robert- (D - WV) 0.95

It seems the Senate would most likely attempt to pass a guest worker amnesty bill, which is what Bush is asking for. In other words, illegal aliens can adjust to guest worker status in the US, perhaps after paying a $2000 fine. Of course we know this is a scam, after they have been guest workers for six years, the pressure will be on to give them green cards.

Anyway, I think Democrats with an ABI score higher than .5 will support a guest worker amnesty, and the same for Republicans with a score of less than .8. I think Democrats with a score of less than .5 will not support the guest worker amnesty, because they want immidiate green cards for all 11 million illegal aliens. Republicans don’t have this hangup, all of them with low scores will do what Bush wants. The Republicans with high scores will likely only support guest workers who apply out side of the US. Which means illegal aliens in the US could not apply. This is what the bill by Kyl proposes, and he has a score of .82.

Anyway, using this criteria gives us 56 Senators who would likely support a guest worker amnesty. Which means it would pass if my assumptions are correct. You can see these 56 Senators seperated from the others in the list.

But since we know who would likely support a guest worker amnesty, we can target them.

Any of these 56 who are up for re-election can be pressed really hard. If you live in their state, get involved with selection of an opposition candidate (regardless of party) who opposes amnesty.

There are also a couple of high profile Senators who are not up for re-election that can be targeted. For example McCain and Spector can be targeted with recalls.

Our demands of these 56 Senators should be simple:

1. No guest worker program

2. No more anchor babies.

3. Pass HR 4437 as written.

Those that ignore these demands will suffer the consequences.

For the 12 Republicans that have a score higher than .8, probably just e-mails saying you hope they support the above will suffice. Same goes for one Democrat, Robert Byrd, who has the highest ABI score of all, .95!!

As for the Democrats who have scores of less than .5, don’t do anything. Let them keep supporting immidiate full amnesty. There are not enough of them to pass it. The House would never pass it anyway. If we put pressure on them, they might switch to supporting a guest worker amnesty, which we don’t want either. So just let them keep supporting the full immidiate amnesty.

If anyone knows their Senators actual position on illegal aliens, I can update this list to put them in the correct category. The categories are:

1. Full immidate amnesty
2. Guest worker amnesty
3. Expand current guest worker programs,
illegal aliens not eligable
4. Enforcement only

OK everyone, please comment.