ALIPAC friends,

I got back from D.C. last night and I wanted to tell you about my experiences and thoughts on my visit.

First of all, one thing stands out above all others. We were not welcome in many congressional offices. We were condescended to and patronized and pushed against!!! Simple taxpaying citizens, doing the job Congress won’t do: exposing amnesty proposals for what they are!

We pay the salaries of Congress and their staffers and we were treated, on many occasions like second-class citizens with no rights to ask questions and voice concerns.

We left our message on the impact of all amnesty proposals and passionately voiced our concerns. We told them we as taxpayers were tired of subsidizing business welfare to the tune of $22,449 per year per illegal household, how the country would rapidly reach 3rd world status with the additional costs of amnesty and guest worker. We discussed environmental concerns and pushed for securing the border and enforcing laws. We talked of illegals suppressing wages and replacing American workers who cannot afford a life on what business wants to pay illegals.

However, it was clear to me that many Congressmen and staff were not concerned with the American people. One staffer even slipped and said, “You wouldn’t believe how many employers…” Employers!!! And, “businesses will move their support if the Congressman….” We told them we represented the voters!!! We told them the American people were left out of this decision and laws should be passed that benefit Americans not the Chamber of Commerce and Hispanic lobbyists.

So, I’ll write more later but I want to leave you with the idea that we were there as patriots, on our own dime, and we were not deterred in the least by the many smug, rude receptions we got!!!

And, I was proud to be associated with all of the ALIPAC members, leaders and bloggers I met. Our fearless, and I do mean fearless, leader, William Gheen, is and the right man at the right place in history to be leading us in this fight for the very soul of our country.

All of us involved in this battle, and now it feels more like a battle than ever, have come together for a purpose and whether you do battle from home or in D.C. your voices are being heard!!! It is critical that we keep the heat on Congress and never, never let up!!! Remember, they wish we’d go away and let them have their imperial existence, being wined and dined and becoming rich off their lobbying buddies…but we are out here and we are not going away, are we???


Keep calling and write letters to the editors. Congress is not informing Americans of what is lurking down the road so it is up to every single one of us!!!!!!!!!