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08-07-2016, 01:46 PM #1
Watch: Dem Rep Becerra, Newt Gingrich Battle Over Melania Trump Immigration Status
7 Aug 2016
On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday.” Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA) and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich debated the claim that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump won’t explain how wife Melenia Trump became a citizen.
Partial transcript as follows:
BECERRA: After 30,000 e-mails have been disclosed, what we don’t yet know is one tax return from Donald Trump, we don’t yet know how his wife gained her immigration status —
GINGRICH: That is not true. That is not true.
BECERRA: It’s time for Donald Trump to start providing one iota of information on the tax returns, which he’s never agreed to do.
GINGRICH: OK. First of all, we know that his wife had a green card before she met him. She came here —
BECERRA: How did she get the green card?
GINGRICH: She came here legally.
BECERRA: How did she get the green card?
GINGRICH: She came here legally.
BECERRA: How did she get the green card?
GINGRICH: She applied for a green card. She didn’t know Donald Trump.
BECERRA: Because she had been here before she came to work.
GINGRICH: And then she came here and decided she want to stay and work.
GINGRICH: This is the only immigrant in America you’re worried about. I think it’s amazing the one person you decide to pick on happens to the wife of Donald Trump.
BECERRA: Interesting that the immigrant basher is unwilling how his wife, an immigrant, got gained her status.
GINGRICH: First of all, he’s not an immigrant basher. His mother was a legal immigrant. His wife is a legal immigrant. He employs legal immigrants. He just likes his immigrants to be legal.
BECERRA: It’s great for Mrs. Trump to have her status and her citizenship. I have no problems with that. I’m the son of immigrants, but what does concern me is when some guy goes out and bashes immigrants, not only undocumented, but legal immigrants and won’t explain how his wife gained her legal status — our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at
08-07-2016, 02:03 PM #2
First of all, Donald Trump should NEVER release his tax returns. It's not a legal requirement. It's not a social requirement. It's not a moral requirement. It is not a requirement. In my opinion, no one should provide their tax returns. They fill our a financial disclosure document, required by law, and that is all they should do. Only stupid people release their tax returns to the public.
Second of all, Surrogates should not try to answer any questions about Melania. They don't know her, they don't know her history, they don't know her paperwork, they don't know anything about her process to become a US citizen and they should shut up about it. If asked, they should tell whoever is asking to ask Melania. Period. This talking behind the backs of a woman is really making me mad. If they want to know something about Melania, they need to ask Melania directly. That applies to the Media as well. If you want to know something about Melania, ASK MELANIA TO HER FACE. If she wants to tell you, she will, if she doesn't, she won't, and that's the end of it.A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy
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08-07-2016, 03:42 PM #3"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" ** Edmund Burke**
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08-07-2016, 03:57 PM #4
The problem with releasing tax returns is the difference between private earners versus public earners. Those who earn off the government have no problem with releasing tax returns because it's government money they've earned. Those who earn privately have private deals, private holdings, private information that is only partially described and shown on a very limited basis on a tax return. A tax return has one purpose, to calculate income tax, not "'vet" the person to whom the income belongs, not describe the holding, income or investment, and tells you nothing other than how much income tax they owe and paid.
Under our existing income tax structure, it's just ammunition against private earners, who follow the IRS Code, a code that no single person understands or knows very much about. So it's not in private earner's interest or the public's interest due to the lies and misrepresentations and mis-characterization that a Dishonest and Corrupt Media, which are the entities clamoring for the tax returns, make against the candidate and there's no media time allowed for any candidate to explain or refute their false claims and dishonest stories. The Media doesn't even employ enough people with knowledge sufficient to fairly and properly examine a Trump tax return.
So no private earner should release their tax returns to run for public office. It is not a requirement. And if it's not a requirement, then there's no purpose to it. It's a stupid practice started by a stupid person, George Romney, Mitt Romney's father. Ironic that the very practice his father started probably cost Mitt the election. There are smart people and stupid people. Stupid people release their tax returns. Smart people don't.
Hopefully, Trump remains a Smart Person and refuses to do so.
JMO.Last edited by Judy; 08-07-2016 at 03:59 PM.
A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy
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08-07-2016, 04:16 PM #5
I would like to see Hellerys Medical records. They should be released. She is obviously having problems and it should concern everyone. Hellerys dad was in construction I read in a biography he had mob ties in Chicago.
Last edited by posylady; 08-07-2016 at 04:24 PM.
08-07-2016, 04:48 PM #6
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Judy wrote:
First of all, Donald Trump should NEVER release his tax returns.
Only stupid people release their tax returns to the public.
Not if you are going to work for me or be the head of the agency that makes sure we all pay our fair share!
Trump’s new position has unnerved some tax experts, who see value in the tradition of transparency by presidential contenders.
“At some point, he could be the tax collector in chief. He’d supervise the IRS, making sure all of us live up to our own tax responsibilities,” said Joe Thorndike, a director at Tax Analysts, a nonpartisan, nonprofit group that specializes in tax policy. “People deserve to know . . . how a person like that plays the game.”
Trump’s stance has become an issue in the campaign.
08-07-2016, 05:56 PM #7
Yes, that is according to me. And for all the "schmucks", you should realize that you pay all the taxes for everyone. The buck stops with you at the end of the line. That's the whole genius of the income tax. What is unfathomable is that "schmucks" have supported this piece of crap for 103 years. It defies the "exceptionalism" claim of Americans.
All the "schmucks" should support the FairTax Act of 2015, eliminate the income tax and replace it with a national retail sales tax on new goods and services where everyone legally in the United States is equal and free.
HR 25 in the US House of Representatives and S 155 in the US Senate.Last edited by Judy; 08-07-2016 at 06:13 PM.
A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy
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08-07-2016, 09:10 PM #8
Should Tax Returns Be a Presidential Prerequisite?
- By: Kevin Mathews
- May 16, 2016
- About Kevin
- Follow Kevin at @care2causes
For most Americans, tax season has come to a close, but for a few high-profile politicians, tax season is just getting into swing. Although it’s not a law, there is a longstanding tradition for presidential candidates to publicly release their tax returns.
Some of this year’s candidates are taking issues with this tradition:
Donald Trump
Trump is refusing to release his tax forms, explaining that he has been advised against sharing them while undergoing an audit. Of course, that shouldn’t prevent him from releasing the forms prior to the dates being audited.
In the press, Trump has argued that his tax rate is “none of your business” and says these discussions are pointless because “you can learn very little from a tax return” and voters don’t seem to care anyway.
Oddly, one popular theory is that Trump is afraid that his tax returns will indicate he’s not as rich as he boasts. While presidents typically want to hide the extent of their wealth, Trump has been caught exaggerating his net worth in the past, and might not want to show forms that reveal him to be anything short of a business success story.
Bernie Sanders
When Sanders demanded transparency from Hillary Clinton by asking her to release her Wall Street speech transcripts, Clinton fired back to call for Sanders to release his tax returns. Sanders promised he would, but in the month since then, has only come forward with his 2014 form.
The one form is pretty innocuous, showing him to be one of the lowest earning Senators in the country. The question this one form raises, though, is if the others are just like this one, why aren’t we getting to see those, too? Sanders supporters and opponents alike wonder if other returns would run counter to the populous message he campaigns on.
Hillary Clinton
During the 2008 race, Clinton herself was actually slow to release her own tax returns, perhaps hesitant to reveal her and her husband’s $109 million income over an eight-year span.
That news must seem like old hat by now because last summer she released her 2007-2014 tax forms that revealed $43 million in taxes paid from her and Bill’s $141 million income. The forms also showed $15 million in charitable donations, though 98 percent of those donations went straight to her own Clinton Family Foundation.
How did the obsession with tax returns begin?
CNN tracks it back to a famous speech vice presidential candidate Richard Nixon made about financial transparency. While his words inspired his Democratic opponents to release their forms, Nixon didn’t follow through himself.
By the late 1970s, every major party presidential nominee was releasing his returns, though the number of years they released often varied. Politico has only identified sevenpresidential and VP candidates who didn’t follow suit with this unofficial rule, most of who were Republicans, and all of which didn’t become the nominees.
As points out, there are definitely things we can learn about candidates from their tax forms:
- The amount of money a candidate makes
- The sources of the candidate’s income
- Charitable donations they make
- Whether or not the candidate stores money abroad
- The kinds of deductions they take (including the “gray areas” that are up for interpretation)
I’d say all of these details are relevant, and worth the scrutiny of the voting public. Transparency is a key component of a healthy democracy, and releasing the forms is a one good way to be transparent.
At the same time, it’s only one way of being transparent – a way that doesn’t ever seem to change anything. Once the forms are released, Americans are still left with a decision between one millionaire and another.
I don’t need to see any candidate’s tax forms to know that politicians are insanely wealthy, well-connected individuals who work the system to pay lower tax rates. That’s pretty much understood to be the norm by Americans at this point. Wake me when there’s a presidential candidate with truly unremarkable tax forms (that’s plural, Bernie – as in more than one.)
If we’re going to worry so much about tax forms, let’s make it part of a larger, ongoing conversation about fixing wealth inequality and the legal loopholes that our tax system permits rich people to exploit. Until we address those problems, it seems silly to fake outrage at the candidates’ tax returns once every four years.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" ** Edmund Burke**
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08-07-2016, 09:37 PM #9
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My comments weren't about the Fair Tax Act of 2015. It was about Trump showing his tax returns. Should he be elected and I hope he is, he will be the tax collector in chief. Why should he get a pass on this, obviously at this point there is something to hide and it may very well hurt him for a week or two. Without guessing that he has probably paid very little or none at all, it would probably shed light on how unfair the tax system can be. Nobody is picking on Trump or you, this would be a fair question if it were the opponents position on disclosure. It is fair to say that Hillary won't disclose the Goldman Sachs minutes of her speech because of what she doesn't want people to take from it.
There are also far too many people who don't pay any taxes at all and haven't even paid into the system, but are somehow collecting some form of payment from the government. Corporate welfare is a disgrace and when a company like General Electric with 100's of billions in sales pays almost no federal income taxes for 2015, there is something very wrong with the system. Their long term tax rate is 1.8% over 15 years when the real rate is 35%.
Separate the subject from the candidate and we need serious tax reformation.
08-07-2016, 09:52 PM #10How did the obsession with tax returns begin?
CNN tracks it back to a famous speech vice presidential candidate Richard Nixon made about financial transparency. While his words inspired his Democratic opponents to release their forms, Nixon didn’t follow through himself.
By the late 1970s, every major party presidential nominee was releasing his returns, though the number of years they released often varied. Politico has only identified sevenpresidential and VP candidates who didn’t follow suit with this unofficial rule, most of who were Republicans, and all of which didn’t become the nominees.
Romney formally announced on November 18, 1967, at Detroit's Veterans Memorial Building,[187] that he had "decided to fight for and win the Republican nomination and election to the Presidency of the United States."[188] His subsequent release of his federal tax returns – twelve years' worth going back to his time as AMC head – was groundbreaking[189] and established a precedent that many future presidential candidates would have to contend with.[190] He spent the following months campaigning tirelessly, focusing on the New Hampshire primary, the first of the season, and doing all the on-the-ground activities known to that state: greeting workers at factory gates before dawn, having neighborhood meetings in private homes, and stopping at bowling alleys.[191] He returned to Vietnam in December 1967 and made speeches and proposals on the subject, one of which presaged Nixon's eventual policy of Vietnamization.[170][191] For a while, he got an improved response from voters.[192]
The existence of tax returns is a violation of our original Constitution which prohibited the income tax which is why the US Constitution had to be amended in 1913 to allow this evil deed. 103 years later, we're $20 trillion in debt, with the weakest military situation in 50 years, 94 million of our working age population out of the work force, our industrial base evaporated, our borders wide open, trade deficits that range from $500 billion to $800 billion a year, less than 1.7% annual GDP growth, most Americans existing with no savings, no retirement or pension, more than 1/3 of our work force can't get 40 hours of work a week from one employer, all the while our political system, media and "free press" are obsessed with the tone, rhetoric, temperament and tax returns of our political candidates running for President instead of what they want to do to fix our country.
We have too many issues on the table right now, but if we're ever really going to fix our country, we need to change our federal tax system to a national retail sales tax system on new goods and services and eliminate the income tax system altogether. If Americans want to wave their Constitutions in each others faces and talk about liberty til they're blue in the face, then honestly, the first thing you do is get the government out of your wallet, out of your business, out of your life and terminate the governments right to tax you or your business on your earnings. When you spend on new goods and services at your own choosing, you are paying tax when you choose to spend. With the FairTax, there's a Rebate that more than covers the essentials of life that exempts the tax on this portion of your spending, all you have to do is sign up for it with your name and a valid social security number, it's available to everyone who is a legal resident, rich and poor alike. The Rebate is not available to illegal aliens.
I realize a lot of people have been raised under the income tax system and believe for some reason that submission to it makes one a better person, a "good citizen". All it does in reality is makes you a good tax slave, and to me is no different than the government asking you to strip down and show your privates so they can measure them and then tell you how much you owe them for your "Privileges". It's that much of an invasion into the private lives and businesses of our people. It's just wrong on all levels. And yes we all have to comply, the difference is some like it and some don't. I'm in the group that doesn't and this group is the group that wants to eliminate the income tax and replace it with the FairTax or something similar to it. If anyone thinks you're "getting the rich" through the income tax system, then they need a better education on the topic. All you're doing is running up debt that you or your offspring or descendants will have to pay while bankrupting our nation and impoverishing our citizens.
And yes of course, the income tax was a Democrat invention, passed by a Democratic Congress, Republicans vehemently opposed it, and pushed and signed into law by a Democratic President who called a Special Session of the Congress, only the second in US history, in 1913. Why any Republican would support such a violation of our people and businesses is mind-boggling.Last edited by Judy; 08-07-2016 at 09:58 PM.
A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy
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