6,000 National Guard on the border is a joke. That amounts to 2,000 an 8 hr shift alone the border from California to Texas. . Bush is not serious about border security. He is just “kicking you know what around” as he usually do.

If we have 12 million Illegals doing work Americans won’t do, why do we need a guest workers program? Are Americans working at all?

Anchor babies born to Illegals who are citizens of Mexico. should have duel citizenship and there should not be a problem deporting them with their parents. If Illegals are departed it is unrealistic that they would leave their children here.

Mexico. has the resources to take care of it’s people. Illegals immigration should protest in Mexico. against the Mexican govt and change things for the better for them there for their rights. They have no rights to protest here. The only rights they have here is what we give them and they should be grateful for the work they can do here. We are wrong to take Mexico’s citizens away from Mexico which is only suppressing Mexico further. We are not responsible for Mexico’s poor but for America’s poor. Just because you are hard working, poor and hungry is not no excuse for breaking our immigration laws.