The lead-in caught my attention enough to make me turn to view the t.v.

The riveting story? Barbaro, the race horse.

The idiot sitting in for Rita Cosby is so emotional over this she can't even be neutral. She states she's praying for Barbaro. Nothing at all wrong with prayer - but aren't anchors supposed to be impartial?

I share this story because if this is the riveting story capturing the nation, we're in big trouble.

Don't get me wrong. I truly love animals. But this is over the top. The anchor is gushing a geyser.

Wonder if the jockey, Edgar Prado, is an illegal?

Now she's enthralled in the details of how Prado "comforted" Barbaro!

I hope the horse recovers but we've got bigger fish to fry than this event but the MSM serves it up as the "lead" story.