I didn't know that Boosh has prayed to Allah!



We Need An American President

By Guest: Chuck Baldwin on Aug 25, 07

I just finished reading my current copy of The Times Examiner newspaper, which is published by my good friend Bob Dill in Greenville, South Carolina. This is an excellent independent paper that I can heartily recommend to my readers, by the way. I believe one hundred newspapers such as The Times Examiner would go a long way in helping to save this once-great republic. One does not have to live in Greenville to subscribe. I believe it is important that we support those brave, independent men who are fighting to preserve America’s historic principles. Bob is doing just that through The Times Examiner newspaper.

Visit The Times Examiner at
http://www.timesexaminer.com/index.php? ... e&Itemid=1

In the Examiner, I could not help but notice the report which chronicles the release of a new film “on the life and faith of President Bush.â€