What if we use the CONSTITUTION to fight the illegal immigration issue? I found this article which has many references to the Constitution on WHO is exactly responsible for immigration issues. It appears that the Constitution has left it to the states to decide. We know the Federal Government has circumvented the states rights to their OWN constitutions on the illegal immigration issue. Maybe we should get a class action suit going and take it to the supreme court! We MUST get it above the state courts because they usually make terrible rulings! Please read!

The US Constitution Only Delegates the Power Over Immigration or Asylum to the States
By P.A. Madison on July 28, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (16) | | |

Updated 1/16/08

Pima County Attorney Barbara LaWall on behalf of herself and several other county attorneys and sheriffs, recently said a Arizona proposed immigration provision is an unconstitutional intrusion by the state into immigration policies, which are solely the purview of the Federal Government.

This struck me kind of odd because in order to come under the purview of the Federal Government the authority must be found delegated or, incidental to a delegated power granted to Congress under the US Constitution. There is a significant reason why Congress has no delegated power leading to jurisdiction under the US Constitution in matters of immigration or Asylum.

To better understand why this is so we need to go back to the founding of the United States of America and consider Article II of the Articles of Confederation that read:

Each state retains its sovereignty; freedom and independence, and every power, jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.
Prior to the adoption of the current Constitution, which was intended to correct for deficiencies found in the Confederation (hint: “to form a more perfect unionâ€